Sunday, 20 April 2008

HAHA... clothes from the past

Thanks for your comments!
A lot of people mentioned that they didn't like Jessica Alba and they have don't know why... ME TOO lol but maybe its because I watched 'Awake' and shes like the biggest bitch in that film!

Oh and sorry about my annoying video! I just had to put it on! Even Stevens <3

Anyway!! So I found a CD named 'Every photo ever taken' its about 2 years old and I opened it and its full of holiday photos, school photos, dance photos and it was so cool... and I was looking at what I was wearing... and because its been only since I left school i've got into fashion so I was quite shocked when I actually didn't look so bad! 
These were all about 3 years ago

I actually remember this top... i love the pattern but I dont like the shape, but its okay for young people lol... I even added a lil pink belt! haha
Omg I made a right fuss to get that cap! haha
I remember that jumper was expensive and reallyyy itchy, and then there beige cords that i used to love... but why am i wearing the horrible pink bag! lol i remember i was wearing really cute turquoise flats with this

Thats my dad... haha 'NEW YORK BABE' havent changed much! =]

lol yep so theres some embarrassing photos from my past... most are from the same holiday actually... I wish my hair would curl like that now... actually i quite like how my hair is now... the curls are a little bigger... but I can't always rely on it looking good, where as when I was a kid it just used to go rigglets lol! I guess its all the straightening over the years =]
haha don't be too harsh on me :)


Yesha said...

i don't see any embarrassing from those photos. you actually look good. and your hair is so fab. =]

thanks for visiting my blog, too. ^^

Anonymous said...

You look so cute in this old photos. I wish I would have been such a cute kid, too.

Molly :] said...

Haha, i used to wear the same sort of clothes as you did. I had my 'von dutch' cap, my 'Punkyfish' zip ups and everything had to have a really annoying phrase on it.
Those were the days...

Aha, i looooove your video. I watch even stevens every saturday morning on Cbbc :)

And im going to miss skins so much :( I went to the castings for the new series on Saturday, and there were so many people there! I didnt end up signing up as they were the 16's auditions..
I dont think it will be as good now all the charachters have gone. Im not really that keen on Effie!

Im sorry about this novel of a comment. I hope you dont fall asleep reading it :) xxx

K said...

aw thank you for your really sweet comment! i just wore it out for drinks then to a club in manchester with my friends. although wearing heels to the clubs we go to is sometimes a mistake coz i end up dancing a LOT an getting stood on! my skirt is from topshop, there are a lot of similar ones out at the moment (theres another gorgeous one in topshop, but i couldn't justify buying two that were practically the same!!). i need to stop wearing it with black tops though and branch out into some colour.

i like your old photos, i always had the worst clothes on in my old photos!!

Drop a tear in my wineglass said...

Your clothes are quite decent! I wore yellow and pink flowered blue leggings with a matching sleeveless shirt. Oh, and a pink and green flowered skirt with purple sequins over the leggings.

I'd rather be NY's babe than a sick explosion of colour.

Wendy said...

I love Even Stevens, kinda sad that they don't play it on Disney Channel regularly. Last time I saw Shia Labeouf in a movie was Transformers.

Olivia said...

I wish I would've looked that good when I was young. Two years ago, I was wearing sparkly shrugs and bubble skirts. I looked like a total dork, and I'm afraid to open all my photo albums. (:

btw, you've been tagged!

Seeker said...

You were such a cute kid :D
Love old pictures.


Anonymous said...

You are a darling child. Almost scared you with Tod's red patent shoes uh... : ) But you are sweet in case I just adore the shoes....

Jill said...

You look cute! All your clothes are so bright, haha.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Cute! I avoid pictures of my past. I dressed like a gypsy for awhile and before that I ket my mother dress me!

Secretista said...

I love Shia LeBeouf. He's my secret lover!!

Oh man... clothing from the past.

Secret Agent said...

Wow, it's cool to see that you were so into fashion even back when you were so young. Your style has changed quite a bit these days...but then again, these photos are old and of course things change. Fashion changes daily. I sometimes look at my old photos and wonder why the hell I wore what I wore...not that it even matters that much. But still. Your dad looks so young. Are you sure he ain't your brother?
Yes, Jessica Alba was a big bitch in Awake, but she was also smokin' hot!

Vain and Vapid said...

Cute photos, I love coming across those myself because I think you become less critical of yourself after some time goes by. It's cool that you shared yours.

Kira Aderne said...

hello cute!

I think jessuca alba is ok for me, but now, pregnant, not so much...

did you shop at zara´s?
post the picture of your buying!!!

i love of pics!!

a kiss and a hug,

keep in touch!

Cate said...

how i love "vintage photos"!!!

Ella Gregory said...

You have fabulous hair!
I always have wanted curls!

The Stylish Wanderer said...

I <3 Shia

Patricia Gordillo Serrano said...

Cara adele non posso risponderti nella tua lengua,perche conosco español, Italiano e sto studiando portogheshe non so si tu sai Italiano, molto buona la tua presentazione si vede hai preferenza per la tu, cinema, e fotografia.

Ti aspecto sempre nel mio sito.

Finora per sempre

Patricia Gordillo

Córdoba - Argentina

Taryn said...

u were cute in your old photos..i cant say the same about my old photo's i loved even stephens...

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Your dad seems so cool
about jessica i think people don't like her cause she seems to have a bad attitude, and a total diva in real life! eww!

Love the pictures

Katelin said...

i love the shirt you're wearing with your dad, very all over the place, haha.

Anonymous said...

i remember the days when i made such a fuss about having that particular it item and now its so insignificant and funny. You actually look good in all these photos, its good to look back to see how your style and taste has changed :)

Anonymous said...

ahhh you were so cute!
love old pics :)

Jimena said...

i love this photos!!! you look so cute!!

Carolina Lange said...

I love old pictures! Those are great ones and you look good!

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

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